Pathology Core Feedback Survey Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core Customer Satisfaction Survey Listening to customers has always been important to us. Your feedback will help us provide better service in the future. Name* First Last Company Would you like to be contacted? Yes No Phone*Email* 1. How long have you been a customer of the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core?* Less than six months Six months to a year 1 - 2 years More than 2 years I am not a customer 2. Which of the following services have you utilized from the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core before? (Please select all that apply.)* Necropsy Services Histopathology Services Clinical Pathology Services Slide Scanning Services Image Analysis Services Other If Other on #2, please specify*3. I am satisfied with the service levels and expertise provided by the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core.* Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not applicable 4. I am satisfied with the efficiency/effectiveness of services provided by the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core.* Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not applicable 5. I am satisfied with the efficiency/effectiveness of communication provided by the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core.* Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not applicable 6. I am satisfied with the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core’s ability to help during any collaborative work.* Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable 7. The Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core exemplifies a respectful and professional demeanor.* Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable 8. How likely are you to use our services again?* Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely 9. Please share any comments and/or suggestions on how the Southwest National Primate Research Center Pathology Core can improve service levels. Δ