Southwest National Primate Research Center (SNPRC)
Pilot Research Program

2024 Competition

Download PDF: SNPRC Pilot Grant Application Instructions 2024

Important dates/Timeline:

Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) January 12, 2024
Notification of Approval to Submit Application January 19, 2024
Submit a Veterinary Resources Request Form February 2, 2024
Submit Completed Application February 23, 2024
Decision Letters Sent March 22, 2024


The SNPRC Pilot Research program provides opportunities and support for investigators to use SNPRC nonhuman primate resources in highly focused, short-term studies with a high likelihood of enhancing the value, utility, feasibility, and attractiveness of nonhuman primates for biomedical research. High priority will be given to studies that propose to generate preliminary data for applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for support of future research projects. Those proposing to develop new nonhuman primate models of disease, or develop and/or test new research methods, instrumentation, or approaches for biomedical research using nonhuman primates, also will be considered responsive to the goals of the program.



Investigators at the Staff Scientist (Research Assistant Professor) through Full Scientist (Full Professor) or equivalent positions at institutions meeting the requirements to apply for, receive, and administer grants in aid of research from the NIH are eligible to apply.


Any applicant who is not an SNPRC Core Scientist must be sponsored by an SNPRC Core Scientist. Applicants will be assigned a Core Scientist Sponsor at the time of review of Letters of Intent. The Sponsor will be an aid in guiding the applicant through SNPRC administrative processes. The participation of a SNPRC Core Scientist in pilot studies funded by this program is an NIH mandate.

Supported Activities/Allowable Uses of Pilot Research Program Funds

The steps in submitting a SNPRC Pilot Grant Application are described below:

  1. Complete and Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI)

The PI/Applicant must submit a brief letter notifying the Coordinator of the SNPRC Pilot Research Program of their interest in submitting an application for review at the next deadline. The LOIs will be reviewed by the SNPRC Research Advisory Committee.

Following that review, applicants will be notified as to whether they are invited to submit a full application and applicants will be assigned a Core Scientist Sponsor.

Required information:

    • Descriptive working title for the planned proposal.
    • Names, degrees, ranks, and institutional affiliations of the PI/applicant and sponsor (if applicable).
    • A project abstract of no more than 800 words that states the objective and significance of the intended pilot research, and includes a brief description of the tentative research plan.

Letters of Intent should be sent as PDF files attached to an e-mail addressed to the SNPRC Assistant Director of Research, Dr. Angélica Olmo-Fontánez (), and the Pilot Program Coordinator Mrs. Helen Hawn ().

  1. Veterinary Resources Request Form

The PI/Applicant must complete and submit a Veterinary Resources Request Form to obtain a budget estimate. Please specify that this form is related to an SNPRC Pilot Study submission.

  1. Full Application (6-page maximum)

Submission components

    • Title and specific aims(1/2 page)
    • Significance and innovation (up to 1 page)
    • Approach (up to 3 pages)
    • References cited (No page limit)
    • Summary budget and justification (1 page). Applicants will be directed to contact appropriate SNPRC Research Coordination personnel immediately upon notification of an acceptable LOI.
    • Biosketches for PI and Key Personnel (NIH format; not included in page limit)

Full applications should be sent as PDF files attached to an e-mail addressed to the SNPRC Assistant Director of Research, Dr. Angélica Olmo-Fontánez (), and the Pilot Program Coordinator Mrs. Helen Hawn ().

  1. Review Process
  • LOIs will be reviewed and prioritized by the SNPRC Leadership Group, with the most meritorious invited to submit full proposals.
  • Full proposals will be reviewed by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and by additional ad hoc reviewers as necessary to assure appropriate scientific expertise.
  • Each proposal will receive a score assigned by each reviewer, and mean scores will be calculated for each application.
  • Final funding decisions will be made by SNPRC Director.
  1. Awardee Responsibilities
  • Funds are restricted to supporting the research project as described in the application submitted and as approved by the RAC.
  • IACUC approval (if needed) is required prior to the release of funds.
  • Submit reports describing project accomplishments when requested for P51 core grant annual progress reports and 5-year renewal. SNPRC is evaluated by the NIH on the effectiveness of the Pilot Program in stimulating new research findings and publications.
  • Important metrics for the success of Pilot Projects include new funding, publications, licenses, and patents. SNPRC may approach investigators for additional details or to present data related to the progress and success of Pilot Projects. Awardees are expected to submit a manuscript to a peer-reviewed, scientific journal and/or submit a grant application to one or more external agencies as part of the successful execution of the pilot project.
  • Future, funded nonhuman primate research stemming from awarded pilot funding is expected to be performed at SNPRC when possible.
  • The following support acknowledgment must be included on all publications that result from SNPRC support (funding and/or infrastructure services): This publication was made possible with Pilot Program support from the Southwest National Primate Research Center, grant number P51 OD011133.5.
  1. Further Information